Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 39: Patiently waiting

I do have a bump picture from this weekend... I'll get it up. Soon.

Mood: I am in this great place of feeling very ready to bring a baby home {not sure if I'll ever be 100% ready to go into labor}. Yes, I'm a somewhat uncomfortable. Yes, I have some aches and pains. Yes, my ankles get a little swollen. But no, I wouldn't say, "I would do anything to get this baby out." Being "happy as a clam" might be pushing it too far, but I'm not "so over being pregnant."

Size & Progress: At our appointment on Friday {39 weeks, 1 day}, the OB guessed he was about 6.5 pounds, not a huge baby; he could be able 7 pounds at birth. I was 1 cm dilated and maybe a little effaced. We all agreed that I probably wasn't going to go into labor in the next couple of days. Through the weekend, I wouldn't say anything has changed, so I still fell more than a couple of days out. 

Due date: If I had to guess, this week is out and the window of possibility would be next week, sometime between the 27th-5th. My more narrowed guess would be between 28th-2nd. And if I had to pick one day, either the 29th or March 1st {I go back and forth}. Ryan is routing for the 28th or 29th. We shall see. 

This week: When we left the OB appointment and she said to enjoy our potential last weekend before baby's arrival. And then Ryan worked a long baseball day and I pretty much did nothing. Whomp whomp. 

The To Do list: I take that back. We did do a few small things on the list this weekend!

We watched "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp and learned about soothing a crying baby by triggering the calming reflex. The key is to think of the baby's first three months of life as the 4th trimester. He coaches parents to use the 5 S's (Swaddling, Side/Stomach position, Shushing, Swinging, Sucking) to replicate what the baby knows from being in the womb. It will take practice to master and should be "fun" to learn which combo our little babe needs. 

My Mom and Dad got the study cleaned out to make room for a little nursing/rocking corner!!

The hospital bag is only missing a few items: camera, going home shirt for mama, snacks and the last minute items like a phone charger and pillow. 

A few things to keep me busy with the ongoing To Do list... I have some notes to write and want to watch a video by Dr. Jack Newman about breastfeeding. I also have a few other baby items to wash/fold/organize. And some continued training with Wrigley, as she's learning which toys are not hers to play with.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 38: Advanced Nesting Mode

So this is what real nesting feels like. I ended up with an unexpected snow day today {Monday} and even after a very busy baby-prep weekend, I have been in full organization/baby laundry mode since 6:15am.

To Do list: Ryan and I got {almost} everything on the To Do list checked off this weekend. We installed the car seat, made trips to all the local baby stores, put together & set up the pack n play and rearranged our bedroom. I say {almost} ready because I think "advanced nesting mode" means I will continually add things until baby is here! Some of the things I still plan to do include packing a hospital bag {I know this is not a random addition to the list}, watch Happiest Baby on the Block, fully stock the diaper changing area & nursing station tote, wash/fold/organize the clothes, blankets, towels, burp clothes, etc. and order/line up a pump. This is why I've been busy since 6am. It's also why I order something from Amazon Prime pretty much every day. 

Size: If the estimation was right from the end of 36 weeks, he'd be about 7 pounds today. I am trying to mentally prepare to eat healthier after he's born because I have gained more than just the 7-8 pounds he'll weigh in at {hopefully he won't be much more than that}. Overall, I'm not too worried about his weight or my weight. 

Symptoms: At the beginning of last week, I had two days that I did not feel so great. I don't even know what it was. My stomach was feeling funny, crampy, weird, my back was constantly hurting, and I could BARELY move around. Overall I was very uncomfortable and I thought my body was about to transition into the more unknown territory of labor or at least some contractions. Then...nothing. 

After those two days, I'm back to normal pregnancy of working around by belly but feeling good! Maybe moving slower, but I won't admit it. Some calf cramps at night. Mild limb swelling. Now I'm back to thinking I'm at least 4-5 days out from the main event. 

Mood: Anticipation building that's greater than Christmas!!! Nesting. Excited. Patiently waiting. Loving days spent with my Ryan. 

Nursery: Additions to our room include a pack n play, changing table and room for baby's clothes! And organization woo! Check it out. 

Changing table with hospital bag ready to grab n go!
Daddy: Went into overdrive with me this weekend to get things done. He's the BEST organizer. 

This week: Fast forward a couple of days to the end of week 38. I got so much done earlier this week... everything that is supposed to vibrate or make noise has new batteries, baby clothes/blankets/bags are ready to go, my bag is mostly ready, minus a few things I'll throw in... I don't even know what else I need to do. {I'm not sure I'm mentally ready, but we are prepared with lots of babies stuffff}. Ready ready ready to add you baby!!! 

Wrigley doesn't understand why I spent so much time organizing onesies by size, socks, hats, pants, sleepers, blankets.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 37: Full term

It's as if my body knows this is the home stretccccchhhh. Don't give up now, we still have work to do!

Symptoms: I don't even like to acknowledge I have pregnancy symptoms. I do better to take care of myself and ignore the little things. However.... My hands and feet have been a little swollen. My belly hardens on and off all day {still not describing any of them as painful though or giving them the title of Braxton-Hicks!}. Back pain ugh. My abs seem to have turned off and don't want to help me move around. I definitely won't admit that I'm moving slower around work. Still lots of belly movement, especially after meals. I LOVE feeling him move and we still fit about the territory under my right rib. 

Ultrasound update: On Wednesday last week {at 36 weeks, 6 days}, we had an ultrasound to estimate weight and see position. The weight calculation from the size of his head and length of his femur was 6lb. 2oz. Completely in a normal range, on the small side. He will gain about 1/2 pound a week. I was on the money with his position... Head down, legs on my right side, spine down my left side. The tech said 9 out of 10 times the baby is in this position. Annnnd confirmed BOY!

The To Do list: I have made a final list of little things to take care of! Just small things, install the car seat, nursing pIllow, line up ordering a pump, turn in ST disability form and a few other small essentials. It is stressing some people out that I don't have a hospital bag packed yet - I have a good list ready! I am more focused on having our room and baby set up for when we bring baby home. Things are coming along!

Mood: A huge mix of excitement and sadness about life that will never be the same. I know, I know, but life will be better! And this baby will bring such joy to our lives! I believe all those things, but there's still a feeling of lose that it won't ever just be me and Ryan again. And it won't be easy to just run out to meet friends for dinner without childcare. Or spontaneous day trips together. Strong hormones make both sides feel overwhelming at times, which is the reality of what's coming! 

This week: I had a small intimate baby shower this weekend that some close friends threw for me. It was the perfect size with a great group of ladies that made me feel so loved and supported as I am about to enter into this journey of motherhood. We got to chat away about babies, being mothers, memories and the great anticipation of Baby W's arrival.

Due date: I'm officially due Feb 25. Any guesses to when he'll actually arrive?! We have a lot of dates to dodge {or aim for according to Ryan}. Here's the list of happenings and birthdays coming up...

Feb 14 - Valentine's Day 
Feb 16 - George (nephew in Illinois)
Feb 19 - Amanda (my sister)
Feb 20 - Regina's due date with #5 (Ryan's sister)
Feb 25 - Due date!
Feb 28 - Ryan
Feb 29 - Helen (niece in Illinois)/ Leap Day!
March 5 - Lucy (niece in Illinois)

I still want a March baby but with sleep not going as well, time has started to slow down... Maybe it would be ok if he came early. I'm not having stretches of real contractions {or anything painful that I would even call a contraction}, which makes me think I'm more than just a couple of days away. Maybe at least a week..?! We're {mostly} ready for you baby!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 34-36: IT'S FEBRUARY!!

Working out of the academic setting makes weeks and months sort of blur and I CANNOT believe it's February.

Size: We have an ultrasound on Wednesday to get an estimated weight/size and see what position he is in. {My prediction is small, long and head down, facing my right side.} I can't wait to see him!! 

The To Do List: Last weekend during the snowstorm, I made a list of essentials. My essential list is really focused on the first month of so with the lil babe. It includes things anywhere from car seat, diaper bag, and pack n play to nursing bras, coconut oil, stool softeners, baby detergent and a rectal thermometer {which was mentioned as essential by our pediatrician}. As with all my baby prep, I don't want to have way to much stuff, that I won't end up using and don't have room for anyways. I might be turning into a serious minimalist {we'll see if I can pull it off, there are so many cute baby things out there!}. 

So this weekend, I made huge progress on my list! I have all the big items lined up and about half the smaller items. I am on the look out for a Babies R Us coupon to use on the stroller/car seat. Scratch that - I found a coupon and immediately went after work to buy it. I got a glider/rocker off Craigslist and made my first trips to BuyBuyBaby and Babies R Us. 

Mood: A lot of people ask me, "So, are you ready? Do you have everything? Is it all set up?" Up until this weekend my response was.... "Ehhhh, I'm not there yet. Still need the essentials like a car seat. I'll get there." Even though people are encouraging that newborns done need that much, I hadn't really gotten ready. After this weekend, I'm definitely feeling ready! This baby could come and I would be ready to bring him home {in a carseat!} and nurse him to sleep {sitting in a glider} before laying him down {in a safe sleeping playard}. 

Daddy: Ryan's hitting the beginning of the crazy overlap seasons of Winter/Spring {Read: Super early hours making for long days with no days off}. He's hoping the timing of the baby's arrival is end of Feb/early March so he can get through most of this bad overlapping time and some time away from work correlates near his spring break. Either way, he's getting things lined up knowing the lil babe could come very soon! He works so hard and continues to excel in his position. I'm so grateful that our babe will get to learn so much from him. 

This week: Let's actually talk about last week... we had about 20" of snow come down over the weekend. #snowmegeddon2016. Ryan, Mom & Dad did A LOT of shoveling, while I did a lot of reading and barely going outside. I missed our usually snow adventures at Sweet Briar of sledding and playing with Wrigley in the snow. But I enjoyed spending time with my bump and watching him move around {I also do a lot of poking him back}.