Thursday, May 12, 2016

First Mothers Day

Some quick notes about my first mothers day =)
...Sadly no pictures =(

Slept through the night. 10pm-7:30am. Glorious.

Woke up to the biggest dirty diaper of H's life. Threw the outfit away. Massive clean up. 

Sweetest card from H and baby daddy. 

After a full feed for H, I pumped 10oz for storage. FYI that is A LOT. 

Watched H really enjoy playing and watching his hands and kicking his feet like crazy. Such a big boy! 

H really emphasized his eat-play-diaper-eat-nap pattern. And his naps were real naps in his bouncer, which doesn't always happen. He is the sweetestđź’™

Drove around looking at houses (our usual Sunday). Lunch at Silver Diner, Mamas pick for a good milkshake and brunch food. 

I love being a mama to this boy. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Two months

Mr. Tall & Skinny. Today Harrison weighed 11 lb 1 oz (36%) and 23.25 inches long (73%). He is a champ, he got several vaccines that he barely cried about, definitely a tough guy.

Sleep: He has made huge sleep progress this month. At 6 weeks he slept through the night, four nights in a row! Mostly he's been sleeping swaddled and in the bouncer, usually with a pacifier. Then we transitioned to sleeping on his back in the pack n play, also successful. THEN, last week he showed me he was able to roll over when he was swaddled. Booooooooo, time to learn to sleep with no swaddle. So for now we're back in the bouncer, with Ryan helping him stay asleep since his crazy arms tend to wake him up. 

Generally, he's sleeping through the night. After lots and lots of nursing, he goes to sleep between 8-10pm and wakes up between 6-8am. It's normal for him to stir starting around 5am but Ryan does a great job keeping him content for a few more hours. =) 

Clothing: 3 months are fitting great right now, except for sleepers with feet on them (my tall man). Sometimes 6 months clothes work, but usually too roomy. Diaper size 1 are still fitting a little big (my skinny boy), they contain blow outs much better. 

Activity: He is getting good at smiling, even though you usually have to work for it a little bit. Happiest in the mornings. He loves to be on his feet, standing in your lap or on the floor. Such strong legs and neck. Getting him on his feet usually makes him stop crying after a few minutes of hated tummy time. He tracks people talking to him and is catching glimpses of his hands. Sometimes he sees his hands flapping and hitting a toy that's he's watching... Next step is realizing those hands are attached to him and maybe even grabbing for the toy.

Just in the last two days, he has rolled over, tummy to back, several times! I think it was intention because he did it three times in a row! Does that mean he can sleep on his stomach?! He hates sleeping on his back when he's laid flat down. {Just kidding, don't call child services, I know "back is best"}. 

He enjoys bathtime until it's time to get out, which I totally get. It's cold. He also likes the sound of water (the loud tub faucet is a soothing trigger for him)... One fun thing is during bathtime, when he likes hearing his hands splashing in the water - makes me hopeful he'll be a water baby and love swimming like I do! 

Feeding: Still 100% on Breast milk! Woo! Over the last month, we worked to get him more familiar with a bottle. Ryan and I successfully went to a wedding on Saturday night and Harrison gave into taking his nightly amount of milk via bottle before going to sleep. Thanks Mom & Dad for taking care of him!! 

I'm trying to pump and prepare to pump at work so we can stay on breast milk even when he goes to daycare. Wahhh {that's my cry voice, daycare is sad and scary to think about}. 

(P.S. I'm back tracking and working to get a few posts actually posted that I write along the way... I've gotten better about taking pictures, more to come...)