Monday, December 2, 2013

jumping back in

I love reading blogs about events in others' lives. I guess I fell off the blog bandwagon when my day to day seems so ordinary. Nonetheless, I'm jumping back in.

We had a great Thanksgiving week. To start it off, I got to spend time with my friend Amy, and finally got to catch up on life. We live 20 minutes away and it's been too long since we've gotten to hang out. We got to go shopping and met up after dinner for a fun night of bowling!

Ryan and I spent Monday together starting on our Christmas shopping and playing racquetball. To continue the tally... I won. Ryan taught me how to play racquetball when we were in grad school. During the first few months we dated, we played racquetball several times a week. Racquetball is always an intensely competitive and enjoyable activity we get to do together.

Tuesday, we headed to Luray for Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful time sitting around the fire, reading, playing pool, cooking with lots of butter, shooting the bow and arrow, and starting a new cross-stitch project. The time was really relaxing.

On Saturday we pulled down the Christmas boxes from the attic, got some lights hung outside and a few decorations up inside. We watched the Auburn game.. WHICH WAS AMAZING. Here is a video of the final play (as if you haven't seen it yet).

Our favorite line during the lengthy replays (at 2:25)... "cause there's no athletes on the field for Alabama, they've got all fat guys."
We called my grandmother and watched a video of my uncles/cousins going crazyyyy. It was  a w e s o m e.

W A R   E A G L E.

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